W.H.A.L.E. inc.

W.H.A.L.E inc. is a short game whose goal is to pick out all the trash while doing it as fast as you can!!

Made in a week but the time spent on the game is only 12 hours (due to my learning schedule)


W.H.A.L.E. inc. is an organization whose goal is to remove trash out of the ocean to save all of marine lives from extinction.

The "W.H.A.L.E inc." is an acronym for:

  • Worldwide
  • Hazardless
  • Annihilation (of)
  • Litter (for the)
  • Environment
  • Incorporated.

(Does it have any meaning?? Well, ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


Click the trash to make it disappear. Each click will delete 1. Every second, a number of trash depending on "Trash/sec" ("T/S" for short) will be deleted. (You can increase it with enough clicks)

Made for Seajam in 12 hours!!

(Want to donate?? Go here: #Teamseas)


Development log


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(Please no swear words, thanks!)


NOICE game

THANKS!!! :))


To be honest the idea of having an endgoal is very good!
some graphics of trash instead of the colors would also been nice.

Thanks! I decided it was best to be shapes and colors because it is better for the computer to run 5000 random shapes than 5000 graphics! Thanks for the comment though!! :)


Yeah I get that. Pooling them would also been an option so you dont have all of them on the screen.
Nice game tho.

Thanks!! :))

Dude! Finally i have implemented the graphics in :D I tried pooling it and it worked SMOOTHHH XD

The new version is on now with much more than just graphics :> Hope u have a great day :)


Ha ha glad I was able to help :D You honestly just made my day replying!