Best played at 150-200% zoom (Google)

Hey there! It is me, DQG again :) I have updated this game in my free time. Not many changes, but it is better than V1.1!!


 - Fixed some bugs regarding pausing/returning to Menu, shopping... These bugs are so annoying in fact!

 - Made an interactive tutorial for beginners

 - Added flags when right-clicking to mark the cell.

 - Made the game compatible with phones (Apple still has some issues though)

 - Redid a couple of shop items (changed the dice into a coin), fixed some bugs with them (the dice had numbers running behind them lol)

 - Added more contrast, minor redesigns...

That is it for this version! It may not be a lot but trust me, the last version is just so unsatisfying to play that I just dump a massive part of the primary mechanism to improve it :) Anyways...

Happy playing! :D

Development log

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